Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Years Resolutions

The nice thing about celebrating New Years is the encouragement to make a fresh start and get some goals accomplished. Last year I resolved to really clean out my craft stash and get rid of old stuff that had gone bad or that I would never use. I did that, but I still have a lot of crafting stuff. I have so many hobbies besides just paper crafting. I like to sew, but my paper crafting area took over all my sewing stuff, so when I actually wanted to get my sewing machine out I was pretty much climbing over stuff just to dig out my machine.

This years resolution was to ORGANIZE and FUNCTIONALIZE. I sorted all my 8 1/2 by 11 paper in shipping boxes by color. This worked out great. I built my own 12 x 12 paper sorter box out of larger shipping boxes and seriously love how it turned out. I still have a lot more organizing to do, but I got a pretty good start on all of it.


  1. Looks good! I really need to get into my room and organize some of my crafting things.

  2. Love the idea about your paper boxes...

  3. Good job. Now how about coming to my house & do some organizing for me. Also, was wondering when the winners from the Dec Christmas Ch was going to be posted?
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"
